Tuesday, May 26, 2015

(An Almost) Disaster Leaving the U.S

My journey began with a very stressful Saturday night.  SAS (Scandinavian Airline Services) books seats on a first-come-first-server basis. I woke up at 12:00 midnight to reserve my seat. I originally had a direct flight to Copenhagen.  I was staring sleepy-eyed at the screen trying to figure out why my flight says my destination was  Munich.  Though I was sleepy, I knew that was not right.  My flight was cancelled and a connecting flight, that would get to me Copenhagen hours after the scheduled orientation, was booked through Munich. Keep in mind this was less than 24 hours before I was scheduled to depart and we didn't get an email notifying us. SAS was on strike; therefore, my flight no longer existed. Good thing I didn't wait until later that day to choose my seat. That would have been a disaster.

After a while of attempting to phone the airlines, we gave up (apparently SAS has no operating 24 hour phone line- which is ridiculous for a major airline). My family woke up at 9 am to try to sort out the mess and book me on a flight.  SUCCESS.... finally. My flight was to leave at 4 pm from O'hare, connect in Frankfurt, Germany, and continue on to Copenhagen. Though 6 hours earlier than my first flight, I was thankfully packed and ready to go.  Also I grabbed an a last minute haircut and a box of Scooby-Doo fruit snacks right before I had to leave. 

This change worked out better for me than I thought. On the new flight and layover in Frankfurt I met my roommate and some other friends from around the U.S.