Today I visited the National Danish Museum. I went to a majority of the exhibits on display-- all of which were very well done.
The first was called "Early Danes." This exhibit went through time starting with the Stone-Age , Bronze-Age, Iron-Age, and ended with the Vikings. If you read my post about going to Lejre, you could see that this exhibit really reiterated what I had already learned about the early history of Denmark.
During the Bronze-Age people were very involved in sun worship and solar deities. A golden sun chariot was found in a peat bog (which keeps artifacts extremely well preserved due to high iron and low oxygen content). It is thought to be from 1800 to 1600 BCE.
Trundholm sun chariot |
A rock depicting people on a boat dancing in honor of the sun while the crew in the back holds up sun images. |
Lurs--one of the first ever wind instruments created and used in the Bronze-Age (c. 1000 BC). |
Another exhibit focused on the renaissance and reformation era of Denmark. This exhibit featured many religious pieces including crosses, sculptures, alters, clocks, jewelry, and outfits worn by religious figures.
Beautiful tapestries hanging behind a knight in shining armor. |
The last exhibit I visited highlighted contemporary Denmark (from the 70's -present) and had a special section about toys produced in Denmark.
**The museum have a whopping 3 items on the menu. Two items were pork hotdogs and one was flatbread with cream-cheese. Because I don't eat pork, naturally I went for the cream-cheese flatbread and put some strawberry jam on it. It was quite a skimpy sandwich.