There's a huge canal bridge that I need to ride over every day to get from the island where I live to Copenhagen. This bridge is steep and it stinks to ride up every day in both directions. Today it seemed a little harder than usual to muster up the strength to get up. Usually I make it a little competition and see how fast I can ride up it and how many people I can pass. This morning, I was peddling furiously on gear 1 and I was moving like a snail.
I also noticed a weird rubbing noise but I was never sure if it was my bike or someone around me so I ignored it. After riding to class and riding home I felt my tire. It was completely flat and free of air in the front. I feel like that's extremely bad for the bike, and the tire frame (if that's a thing).
Soon, preferably when it's less rainy, I need to get back to the bike shop and hope they have extra tires.
Never in my life have I popped a tire or flattened it (not sure exactly how it happened). Like I've said before, people here are intense about their biking. So I guess now that I'm experiencing my first bike "overuse"problem it means that I'm one step closer to becoming a true Dane.