Here are some photos!

Below are a few pictures of the doc of a street/pier with a bunch of bars and street vendors. It was a busy Friday night. And a warm one (FINALLY 80 degrees).
Pictured below are friends tubing their friend on a inflatable crocodile.
The waster was nasty and freezing so I didn't go in. There were also jellyfish (who knew).
Going through the smaller canals were my favorite part. The two photos below are of the canals right next to my house. I'm going to miss seeing that view every time I walk home. It's honestly such a peaceful place and its incredibly beautiful.
Lastly, there was this jumping wooden thing that people could jump off into a pool of water that is sectioned off from the canal water. It was closed but it looked really fun.
I'm off to the airport. Can't wait to be home but I'm going to miss this place so much. See you in the US!