PROMT: Summarize your
experiences of, and write a definition of Danish greenspace
Greenspace(n): A multi-functional area that
provides people with a safe heaven away from busy city life.
The experiences with greenspace I’ve had while in Denmark have been truly incredible. However, nothing
I write can truly capture the essence of Danish greenspace. Throughout these three short weeks of class,
I’ve been able to explore the diverse and wonderful greenspaces that are so
unique to Copenhagen. Before this
course, I sometimes struggled to see value in parks that had obvious and visual
purpose (ex. no slides or soccer fields). A park doesn’t need to be bursting with
equipment to make it usable. I have
learned more about the Danish culture by looking at and questioning the
multitude of parks and their purposes than I have by walking around the streets
people-watching. Diversity of parks is a wonderful thing that allows for the
shaping of the Danish identity. Greenspaces are dynamic. They all bring something new to the table,
thereby, shaping Copenhagen into the inviting, active, and nature conscious
place it is today.
always been a big supporter of learning by doing. The non-traditional field-trip style of this
course has allowed me to do more than “get my feet wet” in the Danish
culture. Parks are an integral part of
Danish life and by being able to experience it all first hand made it so much
easier to understand and respect.
few key words that my class came up with to try to capture different essences of Danish greenspace
so excited to adapt the “Danish way” of living when I return home. The greenspaces back home, I’ve realized, are
often taken for granted. The social,
psychological, health, and economic benefits of greenspace is endless. Together, they all create a matrix of
interaction that is hard to find elsewhere.